IDOT Salt Creek Bridge Replacement
The Salt Creek Bridge Replacement was a multistage project for the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) that involved the removal of the existing 103-foot structure spanning Salt Creek and replacing it with two structures. The existing structure consisted of three simple span PCC box beam superstructures supported on reinforced concrete abutments and founded on steel piles. The structure consisted of two reinforced concrete solid wall piers, also founded on steel piles. The structures are built on a 25-degree skew. Each three-span, 298-foot structure consists of a reinforced concrete deck on 48″ precast prestressed concrete I-beams and supported by two abutments and two piers built on H-piles. The scope included roadway reconstruction, HMA resurfacing, non-special waste excavation, fiberoptic relocation, ITS, temporary retaining walls, and temporary earth retention systems.
Cotter was a sub to HDR but our Transportation team assumed the leadership role for the Salt Creek Bridge Replacement a year and a half into this two-and-a-half-year project.
DuPage County, Illinois
Project completion
Project Team